The COVID-19 pandemic has been extremely difficult with continuous change and struggle to get by. Yet, how has the coronavirus affected individuals of different occupations? I wanted to take a dive into the perspective on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people in different careers and if this career shapes how they responded to the trials and tribulations on the current global pandemic. You are going to get a first-hand look on the lives of a nurse, a WSU student, and a CEO/Franchise Owner/ Full-time mom! On this page, you will see three complete transcripts of the interviews along with pictures and relevant information on the current coronavirus pandemic. Using all the provided information and sources, anyone will be able to obtain the true scope of the global pandemic and the impact it has made for future generations.
Meet The Interviewees!
See the stars of this project during some of my fondest memories with them.
Current Coronavirus Statistics: Keeping You Updated
Sometimes being out of the loop can be the key to disaster and destruction. Check out these links to videos and articles about how the world is responding the the coronavirus pandemic and job-related statistics about real this apocalypse is.
Every day, hour by hour, coronavirus cases continue to climb across the globe. While other countries are experiencing a decline in cases, there are countries that continue to be negatively impacted by this growing disease. The first button shown below takes you to a link to an interactive map from the BBC that is updated at the end of everyday by compiling information from numerous sources to show the current number of cases, deaths, and vaccinations by country. The second button is a link to an article from the University of Minnesota that provides some insight onto how many people have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic as of May 2020. The third button answers the big question of why do we care. Click on this button to learn how the loss of jobs and the plummeting economy if affecting Americans.
The video shown below will provide some insight on how the coronavirus is specifically affecting jobs
Yet, There is Still Hope
This project's main focus has been the battle against the coronavirus and the continued fight for survival in an apocalypse. While the journey may be rough, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Shannon will save the world from the end, Cedar will always be the mother to her child, and Toby will always continue to use her long-studied skills to survive. These characters, and more that we've studied, have fought an immense fight to survive in harsh times. I believe each of us are capable of the same strength and success that they experienced. Here's to health, hope, and the survival of the apocalypse.